When the doorway to the Other Side was opened, Jeremy was able to physically interact with Anna. When Bonnie closes the doorway to the Other Side, Jeremy and Anna decide to let each other go. After Jeremy kills a hybrid and was almost killed by Klaus, Elena asks Damon to compel Jeremy into leaving Mystic Falls in order to live a normal life.
John Q Hammons Dr. NW
In season three, Matt encounters Elijah Mikaelson and a recently resurrected Finn who have returned to Mystic Falls in order to save their sister Freya from Lucien Castle. Although he is less than pleased to see them again, Matt agrees to help. During the standoff that follows, Lucien is killed by Matt and Finn firing Matt's gun loaded with wooden bullets through Freya's shoulder.
Series overview
When she flees to Europe, she succumbs to her bloodlust and becomes a Ripper vampire, slaughtering victims for blood in the most gruesome ways. Lily moves from city to city, killing many people, until she is encountered by the Gemini Coven in Manhattan. As a punishment for killing so many people, they trap her in a prison world on October 31, 1903, where she is stuck for over a century. In season one, Jo is resurrected from Peace by the Necromancer and she reunites with Alaric who is alarmed by her return. Jo finally meets her daughters for the first time, but she is taken over by the Necromancer who uses Jo to get at Josie as leverage to force Alaric to give up the supernatural knife in his possession.
Liv Parker
Alaric bonds with Klaus' daughter Hope and encourages her witchcraft, offering Hope a place in his school in the future. Alaric later greets Hayley when she brings Hope to be enrolled at the school. After Elena is unable to recover from Damon's death, she begs Alaric to compel her to forget that she ever loved Damon – which he can do as an Enhanced Original. Later, Julian was captured by the Travelers and they brought Julian to Mystic Falls, where they had cast a spell that can undo magic, including vampirism.

Luke Parker
Mythic Quest's Rob McElhenney and Charlotte Nicdao Explain Ian and Poppy's Season 2 Role Reversal - Yahoo Entertainment
Mythic Quest's Rob McElhenney and Charlotte Nicdao Explain Ian and Poppy's Season 2 Role Reversal.
Posted: Tue, 29 Jun 2021 07:00:00 GMT [source]
Charlotte is a vampire, whom Damon Salvatore turned back in the 1940s. She first appeared in We'll Always Have Bourbon Street, which was also her only appearance.
Killed by
She goes through with their plan to save Mystic Falls and kill Katherine. Vicki then finds peace in the afterlife with Tyler, where they continue to watch over Matt. However, unknown to her, this 'Art of Expression' draws magic from the spirits of a massacre. It is revealed that Bonnie is a key component to finding the cure, as she was a descendant of the witch who entombed Silas, and is the only one who can open the tomb. During the course of the fourth season, she becomes closer to Jeremy again, hinting at a possible reunion between the two. Feeling unimaginable grief, Silas, posing as Shane, manipulates Bonnie into believing that she can bring him back from the dead, but only if she brings back every supernatural creature who has died.
The concepts and characters developed in the series served to launch a media franchise that includes other television series, web series, novels and comic books. Banished to an island to die because of her psychic abilities, Seline chose to become a cannibal to avoid starvation and deceived her "sister-by-choice" Sybil into becoming a cannibal as well. After Sybil tried to take her own life once she learned the truth, Arcadius appeared before them and offered aide in exchange for their servitude.
Significant kills
Rather than going to the Other Side, Katherine's soul is dragged into Hell, but not before she injects Elena's body with a compound to make her go crazy in a final effort to get revenge upon her. However, her plan is foiled when Stefan and Caroline manage to get a cure with the help of Enzo and the Travelers. Kai manipulates the situation and he manages to escape from the prison world through Malivore. However, he is later captured and imprisoned by Hope before revealing that Alyssa is casting a spell to break the tie between Kai and the prison world, causing it to collapse.
Jeremy Gilbert
In an effort to kill Julian, Lily stakes herself after having linked herself to Julian. However, Julian has already broken the spell and survives and Lily dies shortly thereafter. Kai was born in 1972 to the Gemini Coven, a powerful group of witches who reside in Portland Oregon. To become more powerful the Gemini Coven forces the eldest twins to merge on their 22nd birthday with the stronger of the two absorbing the weaker one.
Terrified of what she could do to her family, Jo requests that her daughters siphon off the Necromancer's magic even though she knows that it will likely kill her again. After a final conversation with their mother, Josie and Lizzie reluctantly comply with her wishes and siphon off the magic, causing Jo to fade away and return to Peace. In season three, after learning that killing an Original kills their entire sireline, Damon and Elena seek out Rose's help in an effort to learn which Original they are descended from. Using Jeremy Gilbert's powers as a medium, the two are able to contact Rose on the Other Side who recognizes a potential romantic relationship between the two. However, Rose reveals that rather than being turned by an Original, she was turned by an ancient vampire named Mary Porter so Rose can't tell them which Original they need to avoid killing. Rose manages to locate Mary for Damon and Elena, but Kol Mikaelson gets there first and stakes Mary so that she can't tell them which Original had turned her.
He had to break the bond, so he found a witch named Valerie La Marche, who said she could do it. Charlotte is a vampire who had been turned by Damon Salvatore in 1942. She listened to everything he said due to the sire bond and counted every brick until he had returned to New Orleans. He tells her about the sire bond and to forget about him, so she could move on, which leaves her heartbroken. The long-running supernatural drama, which originally aired on The CW from 2009 to 2017, is no longer on the service.
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